Friday, May 15, 2009

Highway To the Danger Zone

Highlights of a recent shift:

Car vs. Truck, Motorcycle vs. Tree, Fingers vs. Snowblower.  All par for the course.  After last night, however, I can now add "Motorized Supermarket Power Scooter vs. Curb" to my roster of trauma matchups.  Thank goodness it didn't cause a multi-scooter pileup.

Dude was sitting out on his porch, doing some early summer grilling when the neighbor's dog broke through the fence and took a nibble on his foot.  Irrigated the small puncture wound, started on rabies prophylaxis just in case.  As I wrapped the foot, Dude told me to "bandage it up good" and "use extra gauze" so it would look impressive when he threatened to sue his neighbor.

Throw in a handful of people who "lost" their prescriptions for narcotic pain medication, and you have another shift in Fast Track. 


OHN said...

Drat. I bet with his lawsuit winnings he will hop on that hoverround and finally see the grand canyon!

Second Shift said...

Wouldn't surprise me

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your work in the Urban Trauma Center. Sorry you have to deal with so much stupidity in between the real life-saving work you and your colleagues perform. God bless you and the other high quality techs!